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Creating a GTR

Click GTR => Create GTR

Complete the GTR Header


  • Fields with a Red dot are required to save the GTR to drafts. 

  • Fields with a Yellow dot are required to submit the GTR to higher HQ.


Enter the GTR Contact Information


  • Priority will be determined by the MEFO

    • Example II MEF MEFO 11240.1C


Ref:  III MEFO 11240.1C, Enclosure (1), Page 1-1:

  1. Routine - TMRs which require action within five working days or greater.

  2. Priority - TMRs which require action within two to four working days.

  3. Urgent - TMRs which require action within one working day.


  • Support Unit / Managing Unit is the unit who originally made the request

  • POC needs to be a Marine at the UMCC, or an individual the MMCC can contact at any time.  Ensure the POC phone number is valid.

  • Convoy Ref Number can be treated as a subject, or Exercise Name / Tag.

3.  Enter the Departure and Destination information.

  1. Enter a camp name in the "Location" fields.

  2. Grid coordinates are not used in III MEF.  Enter "0000000".

  3. Enter a cell phone number where the POC's can be reached. 

  4. Use the same guidance for both the Departure and Destianation fields.

4.  Enter the GTR Personnel and Equipment Details

Note:  Enter “N/A” for all the required equipment fields.

5.  Enter the Waiver Justification text. 


  • See steps (5-8) for examples of the Waiver Justification text.

6. Waiver Justification text notes:

7. Waiver Justification Text Example #1: Okinawa

8. Waiver Justification Text Example #2: Okinawa

9. Waiver Justification Text Example #3: Mainland Japan

10.  Click:  Create GTR

11.  The GTR has been created and saved as a Draft. 

12.  Add Route Segments to the GTR.

Note: It is possible to search for route segments.

  • All Okinawa Route Segments start with "OKI".

  • All mainland Japan Route Segments start with "JPN"

13.  Select Route Segment(s) and click "Save Changes"

  1. Click the arrow to select the route segment

  2. Click 'Save Changes"

14.  Attach the Daily Permit and Verification Letter

See part III (pages 12-13) for how to fill out the Daily Permit and Verification Letter.

  1. Enter a Caption

  2. Click: Choose File.  Select the file to upload.

  3. Click:  Add File.

15.  The files have been added.

16.  Click the "Options" tab

17.  Click: Options => Submit

18.  The GTR has been submitted to higher headquarters

Filling out the Daily Permit and Verification Letter if required by MEF

1. Complete the Daily Permit

  1. Enter the Month | Day for the first day of the movement

  2. Enter the GTR number

  3. Enter the equipment model

  4. Enter the dates / times for the movement window

  5. Enter the departure and destination

  6. Enter the routes to be used

  7. Enter any cargo carried

  8. Enter the dimensions (in millimeters) of vehicles

  9. Enter the requesting unit

2.  Complete and Sign the Verification Letter

III.  Originating Unit – Completing GTR’s

After a convoy movement is finished, units can complete the GTR’s.

1.  Click: GTR => GTR Activity Snapshot

2.  Click on the item in the Approved bin

Note:  Approved GTR's will also appear on the Status Table below.

3.  Click on the paper

Click: Options => Complete => Complete GTR

The GTR has been completed and archived.

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