Create a Non-Tracking Mission
Dispatch Out / In a Non-Tracking Mission
Create a Mission from a TMR
Dispatch Out / In a Tracking Mission
How to Create a Non-Tracking Mission
1. Click Transportation => Create Non-Tracking Mission
2. Enter in the Mission Header information
Note: Everything with a Red Dot is required.
3. Click "Resource Assignment"
4. Click "Loads"
5. Click "Create Load"
Note: Fill in the Truck and Driver Information then click "Create Load"
6. Click "Approve Mission"
7. Click "Approve"
8. Mission Approved!
How to Dispatch Out a Non-Tracking Mission
1. Click Mission Tracker => Master Log
2. Locate the Trip Ticket
3. Click "Edit"
4. Fill in all the required fields
5. Locate the Trip Ticket and click "Standard PDF"
6. Print and Sign the Trip Ticket
How to Dispatch In a Non-Tracking Mission
1. Click Mission Tracker => Master Log
2. Locate the Trip Ticket
3. Click "Edit"
4. Fill in all the required fields and click "Dispatch In."
How to Create a Mission Directly from a TMR
1. Click on the TMR in the Inbox
2. Click the Paper
3. Review the TMR
4. Click "Options" and "Ackowledge Review"
5. Click "Assign to Mission"
6. Click "New Mission" from the drop down menu
7. Fill in the Mission Header and click "Create & Assign"
8. Click "Resource Assignment"
9. Click "Loads"
10. Select the Truck and the Driver
Click "Create Load"
Select the Truck and the Driver
Click "Create Load"
11. Add the TMR to the mission
Click on the "TMR" tab
Click on the Box icon
Enter in the number of items you want to put on the truck
Select the truck from the drop down menu
Click "Add to Load"
Note: All items must be assigned to a vehicle before going to the next step.
12. Click "Finalize Loads & Submit Mission"
13. Enter the Mission Commander and Asst Mission Commander
14. Mission Approved and ready for Dispatch!
How to Dispatch Out a Tracking Mission
1. Click Mission Tracker => Master Log
2. Locate the Trip Ticket on the Master Log
3. Click "Edit"
4. Fill in all the fields with a red dot
5. Update the Mission Tracker information
6. Print the Trip Ticket
7. Click "Standard PDF"
8. Open the PDF, Print and Sign
How to Dispatch In a Tracking Mission
1. Click Mission Tracker => Master Log
2. Locate the Trip Ticket in the Master Log
3. Click "Edit"
4. Fill in all the field with a red dot
5. Update the Mission Tracker Information - Mission Complete!
Note: Set the Status to "Completed" and click the "Complete All Open TMR's along with Mission" box.